About us

Our vocational school „Sodžiaus meistrai“ encourages young people to fulfill their dreams. We believe that opportunities for young people are coming when they choose the specialty, which motivates, inspires the creation, encourages to proceed. This is confirmed by our 18-year successful experience in teaching young people and in integration them into the labor market.

Our school focus on apprenticeship training method. This method provides students with 2 weeks theoretical training in the classroom followed by 2 weeks practical training in companies. We know that every young person has their own ambitions, desire to be independent, wants to gain work experience which will enable him to work professionally right after graduation. Our applied apprenticeship training method allows for young people to achieve these goals and desires.

Our students are learning in a small groups (up to 15 young people in each specialty), so our teachers are able to focus on individual needs and learning abilities of each student. We have chosen the model of the oldest French craftsmanship association “Les Compagnons du Devoir” which runs apprenticeship programs for our school.

Our school was established in Trakai district. We chose this place purposefully, because we knew that we will need a lot of place to have professional workshops, where students could practice, furthermore to have place for leisure activities and sports during breaks. We care about the environment that promotes creativity and openness.

There are 3 professions taught at our school currently: carpenter – joiner, confectioner, cook and landscape worker. We are creating educational programs which corresponds to the needs of the labor market, so our students easily find the practice during learning time and the job after graduation.

The Stakeholders’ Council, consisted of 2 members, governs our school, and takes care of the school development and future. There are to private persons who are the stakeholders of our school currently. However, our school is open to accept new proposals to become a stakeholder to contribute to the education.

What we do differently?

We apply the apprenticeship teaching method. Practical learning consists 70 per cent of learning time. Our students are practicing in business enterprises and in our bases for practice. Students are gaining valuable experience, which will help them in future career.

We seek quality, not quantity. We provide the ability for students to learn in small groups. This way of learning is able to adjust to the individual student needs and strengthen individual learning progress.

We actively collaborating with businesses. These businesses give practice places for our students,  they are also involved in the development of our teaching programs for each specialization. Our students are learning in modern practice basis, that is why their qualification corresponds to labor market expectations.

We appreciate the cozy and Eco-friendly environment. Our school is surrounded by nature. Our students and teachers spend their break times in the fresh air, playing volleyball and other sport games.

We are creating sincere and creative atmosphere. We are seeking that every young person would feel respected and become part of our community. We believe in dreams, enthusiasm and opportunities for self-expression!

Life and Christian values of life are important for us. We cherish friendship, respect, responsibility, honesty and sincerity.

We do not have a call inviting to the lessons. We, together with the students are choosing time for learning and breaks. We believe that this way meets the needs of young people to use their learning potential.

We have and adhere to the Child and Young Person’s Protection Assurance Policy.
You can read THE POLICY DOCUMENT here.

Jean and Margaret Bigot scholarship

Since September 5, 2022, the Jean and Margaret Bigot scholarship has been awarded to motivated and engaged 16-22-year-old students at the Trade School Sodziaus Meistrai.

The scholarship was initiated by Neila Baumiliene, financed by the Bigot family and friends, matched by the Kazickas Family foundation. The selection committee is made up of members of the Trade school, the Kazickas family foundation, and the Bigot family.

The number of recipients of the scholarship of 1000 euros per person (with 100 euros allocated monthly for personal needs) per school year is announced in September. The first scholarship payment is made at the end of October.

Number of scholarships per school year:

5 in 2022–2023.
6 in 2023–2024.
8 in 2024–2025.